Tool page

Videos & suggested Text

Ángel Hilderbrand

Ángel Hildebrand, Boys & Girls Clubs of Puerto Rico 2019 Youth of the Year shares with us a special message.

Visit #ClubstotheRESCUE campaign here:

Christian Rivas

Meet Christian Rivas, a Boys & Girls Clubs of Puerto Rico ex participant, who today is an entrepreneur within the creative sector. His successful story captures the lives of thousands of children and young people who live below the poverty line. Let’s join #ClubstotheRESCUE campaign and help them achieve their dreams. Become a CHAMPION or join a team of CHAMPIONS.

Visit or your campaign profile link #CLUBStotheRESCUE #BGCPR


Public Service Announcement

La pandemia ha acentuado la incertidumbre en que vivía la mayoría de nuestros niños, niñas y jóvenes. Pero, con tu ayuda continuaremos desarrollando su máximo potencial. Ya ellos han demostrado que, con la guía y el apoyo apropiados, pueden construir un mejor presente y lograr un gran futuro.

Únete a nuestra misión y transforma sus vidas. 

Visita la camapaña de  #ClubstotheRESCUE aquí:


Conoce el testimonio de Brittany, participante del Boys & Girls Club de Arecibo, sobre la programación virtual y apoyo a distancia en medio de este periodo de incertidumbre. Sus palabras nos llenan de entusiasmo y capturan el sentir de la niñez a la que servimos.

¡Tú puedes ayudarlos a que, con la guía y el apoyo adecuado, puedan construir un gran futuro!

Únete a la campaña #ClubsToTheRescue aquí:

Suggested Text messages

Option 1

Want to be the CHAMPION our kids need?


Option 2

Today you can become a CHAMPION or join a CHAMPION’s team to defeat child poverty
Do it here:

Option 3

Join my team of CHAMPIONS. Help us defeat child poverty by accessing -Insert your Classy profile link-


Option 4

Today you can become a CHAMPION or join a CHAMPION’s team to defeat child poverty
Do it here: /campaign/clubs-to-therescue/c281634

Option 5

We are doing great. Let’s continue what we started. Invite others to join our team of CHAMPIONS.
Visit: -Insert link to you campaign profile-

Images & suggested text

Today you can become a CHAMPION or join a CHAMPION’s team to defeat child poverty
Do it here: /campaign/clubs-to-therescue/c281634

By becoming a CHAMPION or joining a CHAMPION’s team you will help our chidren and young people continue receiving educational services, career guidance, and family support to them, 96% of whom manage to graduate from the fourth year. Help us continue providing virtual programming, reopen our Clubs as soon as this crisis allows us, and then our employees will be ready to deal with a new post-pandemic reality.

Access or your campaign profile link

#CLUBStotheRESCUE #BGCPR #UnGranFuturo

Join our CHAMPIONS teams. Your contribution help Boys & Girls Clus of Puerto Rico participants and their families receive educational services, career guidance, physical and holistic activities, hot and nutritious food, arts and family support to the participants. Help them continue providing virtual programming, reopen Clubs as soon as this crisis allows us, and then their staff will be ready to deal with a new post-pandemic reality.

To become a CHAMPION or to join a team of CHAMPIONS access this link
